Dozens Of Votes Up For Grabs As Dennis Kucinich Drops Out Of Democratic Primary
The race was on this week to pick up dozens of supporters left in the lurch after Ohio congressman Dennis Kucinich dropped out of the Democratic presidential contest.
A spokesman for North Carolina Sen. John Edwards said “we will spend untold minutes and hundreds of dollars to pick up the support of Congressman Kucinich,” while Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign offered to take the supporters to an Arby’s in Akron to talk it over.
Sen. Hillary Clinton deferred comment about Kucinich, but her husband, Bill, said “that horndog was the runt of the litter. It don’t make no never mind.” Several hours later, after speaking to his wife, he amended his statement to say “we have the greatest respect for Rep. Kucinich and wish him well. We are certain his supporters will recognize that Hillary Clinton is the best person to lead America forward.”