Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Corporation Hires First Non Detail-Oriented Employee

Reversing a longstanding hiring practice, DHG Creative Arts Imaging Inc. this week hired a person who admitted to not being “detail-oriented” despite the company’s stated preference for such employees in its advertising.
Hugh H. Lazar, who will oversee the company’s digital production division, told executives at the company that he often accomplishes most of his tasks within the parameters described in job descriptions, but not always.
“For instance, if you said I had to produce multi-colored graphics presentation materials according to established quality control guidelines and according to a predetermined budget and timeline, I can assure you that I’d get some kind of job out to you reasonably fast and similar to what you had in mind,” Lazar said. “Particulars are really not my thing.”
But in an attempt to diversify its workforce, DGH decided it was time to include both detail-oriented and non detail-oriented Americans.
“We want a staff that looks like America,” said director of human resources Phil La Blanca said Tuesday. “We see that non detail oriented people are making all kinds of strides in the workplace, and we wanted to be a part of that.”
La Blanca said the company would continue reviewing its diversity goals, and was now considering hiring employees who are not self-starters.


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