Republicans Begin Race To Not Be Endorsed By Bush

With President George W. Bush making his first public comments on the election this week, the three remaining Republican White House candidates have begun their efforts to not be endorsed by him.
“I have always believed Governor Huckabee was the best person to win the president’s support,” said Arizona Sen. John McCain, the GOP frontrunner on Sunday. “In fact, I think the president should be out campaigning for him every day.”
Huckabee, in turn, told reporters that Texas congressman Ron Paul should get the nod of the president, whose 30 percent approval rating is at an all-time low.
“I’m already at 30 percent,” Huckabee said. “It’s Ron Paul that really needs the help. Seriously. I won’t hold it against the president at all if he backs Paul.”
When asked his reaction, Paul said “Either one of those guys, realistically, is more in synch with the president than I am. I really think he ought to do whatever he can for McCain or Huckabee. Bring em into the Oval Office, fundraise for them, whatever it takes.”
In an interview with Chris Wallace of Fox News last week, Bush said he’d be “glad to help” McCain win over skeptical conservatives if he is the nominee, because "he has a lot of convincing to do to convince people he's a real conservative," to which McCain said “OK, I give up. I'm a liberal."
BREAKING NEWS WE'RE WATCHING: Bush to merge Department of Hypocrisy with Commission on Dirty Tricks.
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