Monday, May 12, 2008

Clintons Refuse To Concede Bridge Game

Police were called to a home in Chappaqua, N.Y. last night after Bill and Hillary Clinton refused to concede that a partners bridge game with some friends was over and that they had lost.
“The American people don’t quit and so we will not quit,” said Sen. Hillary Clinton as police tried to convince them to leave quietly.
Jim and Bev Kulverman, who live down the street from the Clintons, tried to explain that it they had prevailed because they had won the superior amount of tricks, but the Clintons repeatedly insisted that they could still prevail.
“We kept trying to explain to them that there’s just no such thing as supertricks, never was,” said Jim Kulverman. “They kept saying they were in it till the end. Even after it was the end. We put away the snacks, kept saying we had be up early the next day, and they just wanted to keep playing.”
The Clintons eventually were convinced by police to go home, but police said they responded again several hours later to the Clintons’ home when Hillary refused to concede that she had lost to Bill at Gin Rummy.


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