Monday, April 17, 2006

After Circling Four Times Looking For Spot, Queen Mary 2 Docks in Brooklyn

The Queen Mary 2 arrived in Brooklyn Saturday two hours late, after circling New York Harbor twice to find a parking spot. The ship then waited another hour while the previous ship's captain smoked and talked on his cell phone before pulling out.
Throngs of spectators and muggers were on hand as the world's largest luxury liner pulled into a berth in Red Hook, Brooklyn.
"What the bloody hell are we doing in Brooklyn?" the ship's master purser, Quinton Gregory, said as the gangplank descended. "Is the bleedin' compass on the fritz?"
After the ship's crew and several hundred passengers were mugged, looters promptly descended on the ship and began removing food, liquor, TVs, beds and even lifeboats.
"Welcome to Brooklyn, capital of the world!" Borough President Marty Markowitz declared, waving his arms in the air, which made it easier for his mugger to get at his wallet. "We hope this will pave the way for other cruise ships and luxury hotels to see all that Brooklyn has to offer."
But before Markowitz finished his statement, the QE2 suddenly backed out of its slip, sideswiping a Chinese freighter, and quickly spend back to open sea.


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